Pathology Results

Pathology, X-Ray Results and Specialist Reports Pathology Results

We strongly recommend that you see the doctor to discuss the results of any test.

Kindly take note that it may not be possible to have lengthy discussions of your results over the phone.


The reception staffs are not legally bound to give results to the patients. Neither, they are encouraged to access patient's clinical information.

Also, no copies of results will be given without prior permission from the doctor.


For the benefit of our patients, we have the following protocol in place:


a) the doctor will contact you if there is any significantly abnormal report that needs urgent attention.


b) where there are many results and which may need further discussion, the practice will send a letter or make a call requesting the patient to make an appointment to see the doctor.


The onus remains on the patient to follow up with the doctor to discuss the results and take further action.


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